Personal experiences have the strongest effect on people. We create memories through personal experiences and memorable environments. These memories reinforce our commitment – provide familiarity.


What kind of an event would you like to realize?


Design and visualization services


Staging and lighting services


Do you need a local producer for your project in Finland?


Do you need help for the production?

We can provide all services needed for the practical implementation of your project locally. We can also search for event and filming locations for your production. Ask for our local producer service. We often cooperate with design and production offices, providing local producer services for their projects in Finland.

You can also contact us if you need help for resolving large or small individual challenges concerning production or technical implementation – even when help is required immediately.


Do you need a local producer for your project in Finland?

We can provide all services needed for the practical implementation of your project locally. We can also search for event and filming locations for your production. Ask for our local producer service. We often cooperate with design and production offices, providing local producer services for their projects in Finland.

You can also contact us if you need help for resolving large or small individual challenges concerning production or technical implementation – even when help is required immediately.

Erityisen iloinen olen siitä, että ennen tapahtumaa seminaaripäivien kulku käytiin hyvin läpi ja päivien aikana kaikki sujui joustavasti ja hienosti. Tapahtuman järjestäjänä minulla oli vapautunut olo, koska homma toimi. Tapahtumapaikan mielenkiintoinen valinta ja sen ympärille suunniteltu erilainen tapahtuma oli kiinnostava. Saimme myös uusia ideoita toteutukseen ja tapahtuman luonnetta päästiin kehittämään vielä matkan varrella.

Olimme hyvin tyytyväisiä tilaisuuden ammattimaiseen suunnitteluun ja toteutukseen. Toiveemme ja ideamme otettiin hienosti huomioon, ja lopputuloksena saimme persoonalliset ja visuaalisesti näyttävät juhlat, j ois sa juhlavieraamme viihtyivät.

It was great to work with you . You made my job extremely easy . My client was extremely happy , and I had a great time . We are very greatful to your excellent work , kindness and dedication . Please pass my warmest regards on to your team, and I sincerely hope we can work together in the future.

Olemme työskennelleet mm. seuraavien brändien ja tuotantojen parissa